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The Impact I Want to Have

I grew up in Watrous, Saskatchewan, a small Canadian town of approximately 2000 people. We had a beautiful house and a huge yard that resembled a park. We always had plenty of food in the fridge and new clothes hanging in the closet. In the summer, our family would take a vacation, and we would spend time fishing, water skiing, and eating ice cream. Our Christmas celebrations would feature plenty of presents for everyone and a massive feast to enjoy. We would have many family gatherings where we would play games and enjoy loud sing-a-longs around the old family piano. The security of a loving family that was together every night and there every morning was a blessing.


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Hi! I'm Bruce, author of Your Impact: Creating a Better School for All Learners. I'm so glad you took the time to read the book and am so grateful that you decided to throw your pebble in the pond. 

I'm trying to make our world a better place, one person at a time. 

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